Please log-in to view the Members' Pages and Forum by entering your registered email address or the Username and the password you provided earlier.
When details have been entered tick the 'remember me' box and your computer will save those details and enter them automatically on your next visit.
If you have been logged in automatically, then your account status, membership type and expiry date will be shown instead of the log-in page.
If your membership is about to, or has just expired, please renew here.
Personal Profile
Please visit your personal profile page:
1. check the accuracy of your details,
2. complete your home address so that the Newsletter can be posted to you
3. change your password, should you wish to do so
4. have you indicated your Contact preferences?
Registration Payment
On-line payments can be made by both new and existing members using Pay Pal.
You do not have to be registered with Pay Pal to use their payment facility and it costs you nothing extra to do so - in fact it saves you the cost of an envelope and a postage stamp.
(It also saves the treasurer repeated trips to the Bank to pay-in the subscription cheques.)
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Having a problem with logging on?
Please visit the Troubleshooting page